Tuesday, May 7, 2013

Gillian Michaels is My Trainer

After doing that awesome yoga with Heather in Colorado, I wanted to keep up that level of workout every day. So I purchased the Gillian Michaels yoga dvd from Amazon and yesterday I tried it at home for the first time.


My shoulders and thighs are so sore this morning! But that's a wonderful thing, so I'm grateful. I'm going to try to do the dvd every weekday for two weeks. If I can keep it up, then I get to buy a yoga mat, since they're stupid expensive. I was going to buy a cheap one for $12 at walmart, but the reviews said it tears up easily and the next-cheapest one also had bad reviews. I don't want to spend money just to see the mat fall apart or to have my feet slip on it. So Josh and I have an agreement that if I can do yoga for two weeks straight, then it's obvious that I'm committed enough to deserve a more expensive mat.

I also took Scarlet out in the stroller yesterday. We walked to the mailbox down the street to deliver some letters and then circled around the block to go to the library. It was a lot less boring to walk with Scarlet there, contrarily. We got some good books and made our way back home in time to make this really yummy chicken salad for dinner.

Today I want to do yoga in the morning and then walk to the grocery store after work. That should be a pretty long walk as well. It'll be so great to know that I can walk long distances again, since there's only a month until the dirty dash.

I'm also not weighing myself anymore. I'll do that in the future, I'm sure, but for now, I don't want to. It just makes me feel bad about myself and I'm not as anxious to lose pounds as I am to lose girth. So for now I'll focus on eating healthy and exercising and my gauge for success will be how I fit into my clothes. As I see visible progress, then I'll maybe step on a scale again to see how I'm doing.

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