Saturday, April 13, 2013

YAY!! Another chance to lose----ooh is that a donut?

So, I'm glad we have a place where we can be held somewhat accountable for our goals.  I'm not going to be as specific as Camilla.  I'm not that brave.  I will, however, post updates on how well/badly I'm doing periodically.
The day before I got the e-mail to join, I was at the Wetlands park with my family.  We had to take some pictures for a slideshow presentation for Bobby's science class.  After I got all the pictures of nature that he needed, I gave Bobby the camera and he took some pictures of me and the kids.  I was thinking I looked ok so it wasn't a huge deal for me.  The next day I was editing all the pictures and I came across the ones with me in it.  Not gonna lie, I started crying and couldn't finish eating my ice cream.  I'd gone these last couple years thinking it wasn't as bad as I thought, but when I actually saw it, it was pretty bad.  The whole two weeks before that, I had had a headache everyday.  It ebbed and flowed, but it was constantly there.  And I had gained more than 10 lbs since having Ethan.  Which is even worse than it sounds because that's 10 lbs from my starting weight, and I lost a bunch right after I had him.  I decided to start one step at a time.  I cut out sweets, except on Sunday (more for psychological reasons than anything else) and have been keeping track for the last 2 weeks.  Unfortunately there has been no difference in my weight at all.  Unless you count putting on 2 more lbs!  But at least the headaches have stopped...mostly.
I guess I have to start somewhere.  I'm hoping I get better results as time goes by, and I will also be changing my diet  little by little as I get used to each step.  Maybe even adding some exercise if I remember.  I just know I don't want another pregnancy like my last 3; I want to enjoy the pregnant belly, not hide it and be ashamed.  (not that I'm pregnant now, but there will be other ones)
Thanks for listening to me ramble!  Feel free to share!

1 comment:

  1. Hee hee, I love your title. I know exactly what you mean about crying over pictures--the last Bohmie family photo motivated me to lose 15 pounds last year! And even if the weight doesn't come off quickly or you gain a couple of pounds, at least your healthier eating will stop those stupid headaches! I'm so impressed that you've been doing this for two weeks already!
