Monday, April 15, 2013

Day One, Take Two

Okay, that last day one was a trial run. I got hungry last week and ate EVERYTHING I SAW and this morning I weigh 194.5. Yikes. I'm starting over and recommitting to eating well. I'm not brave enough to say I'll cut out all sugar except once a week like Bob is doing, but I am going to limit myself to eating more vegetables and smaller portions at mealtimes, since it's the quantity of food that seems to do me in. I'm also going to try to do a ten-minute exercise every morning. I did it maybe four times last week, so that was awesome, but I really would like to do it every day except Sundays. I also really need to start training for the 5k in June but it's hard to find a time that I can go out for a run when I have a needy baby and a full-time job. Also it snowed last night, so I don't even want to be outdoors right now.

I'll figure it out as I go. The first priority is to eat less every day and I know I'll see results from that. I want to lose 20 pounds this year, but my first goal is to lose 15 pounds by the dirty dash. If I can weigh 180 by the time I go running around in mud piles with my husband in 8 weeks, I'll feel pretty accomplished and way more comfortable with my body. That's a goal of almost 2 pounds per week, which is a healthy amount to lose. I usually drop a lot of weight to begin with and then struggle over the remaining pounds. That's why I've set such a high weight-loss goal to start out with--I'll lose the initial 5 pounds quickly (in one or two weeks) but the next ten will be more work. I can work it out over six weeks or so if I stay focused.

And believe me, I am focused. All weekend I agonized about how big my muffin top has become. I've always had one but after the baby, it got bigger and softer and more jiggly. It's just awful! And the stretch marks don't make my belly look any cuter. I want my body back and I want it in time for summer, so I'm going to keep doing those tummy-tightening exercises and focus on eating better. Good luck, everyone!

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