Monday, April 8, 2013

Day One

Technically this isn't day one, since I sort of started making good eating decisions and being a little more active around last Thursday or so. I had been eating junk food like crazy so my weight went up by about 5 pounds from where it was mid-March, but I was able to lose 4 pounds, so I'm about where I started. So here is my beginning point:

I had a baby six weeks ago and weighed 213 at my heaviest. I currently weigh 192. I want to lose at least 20 pounds this year, ideally 30. My eventual goal weight is 160, but I'm trying to at least hit 175 this year so I'll know that I officially lost the baby weight. I have a workout routine I'll be doing for ten minutes in the mornings and I'll try to go for a walk or a jog three times a week. I have a 5k all set up for June and Josh will be doing it with me, so my goal is to get in shape enough to do that without hurting myself. I am so excited to be on the right track again.

Good luck to everyone!

1 comment:

  1. That was one big baby! How exciting to do a 5k! Maybe I can do the Turkey Trot next Thanksgiving :) Good luck!
