Thursday, April 18, 2013

Taking It Seriously

So I just have this voracious appetite that kicked in during my last months of pregnancy and went homicidal crazy when I started nursing. I cannot seem to control it and it's really made me unhappy. Yesterday was kind of a frenzied eat-it-all, especially when it came to sugary treats, and I know I ate way too much food. So last night I really sat down with myself mentally and decided what's important to me. Do I want a smaller body or another candy bar? I don't want the candy bar. I want the body.

So this morning I woke up and made sure to make breakfast within the first hour of my waking up. I heard somewhere that you should eat within the first hour of consciousness in the morning so your body doesn't think it's starving after fasting all night. I had a slice of multigrain toast with crunchy peanut butter and a grapefruit, no sugar or salt added. It was delicious and incredibly filling, so I think I'll go out tonight and get more grapefruit. I made sure to have a sweet (fruit) and a protein (peanut butter) and some nice, filling carbohydrates (bread), so I'm really full and happy. The foods I ate were pretty high-calorie: 212 for the grapefruit, 110 for the bread, and a whopping 94 for one measly tablespoon of peanut butter. But I'm not too terribly concerned with how many calories I ate for my first meal of the day because I know I ate unprocessed, nutritious, and filling food. I want to steer clear of processed foods and sugar for a bit, since those are the fat-makers. If I go over my calorie count each day, it won't bother me too much so long as I made sure to eat nutritious, pure foods.

Tonight I am eating out with a bunch of coworkers because one of them who moved to New Mexico had to fly in for a bunch of meetings this week and she wants to hang out with her old buddies. I love hanging out with friends and I'm really excited to go to Chili's because I know I can buy something cheap and healthy from their low-calorie menu without feeling embarrassed. I'll just be happy to be there and to be eating out. My goal today is to stay within my calorie limit even after eating out tonight. I may need to tack on some exercise today to make sure I can eat what I want tonight.

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