Tuesday, April 16, 2013

Baby Fat, Be Gone

 Well, this is a first for me. I don't even know where to begin. I had a kid about a year and a half ago and I weigh more than I did pregnant. Poo. I thought that by now, I would have lost the extra baby fat and at least fit into my old shirts (jeans just weren't happening), but nay. I took out my old summer clothes and put my winter ones back but I should have just left it all alone. No shirts. No jeans. Nothing but muffin tops and back rolls. Let's just say that that was not a good night for me. Richard had a lot of comforting to do. Lots of crying...

Now I've never had this problem. In high school, I was always working out or running on my own time, but now I don't have "my time". I don't even have my own metabolism (he was so worth it)! That's okay though. I guess I just have to change  for my new one.

This week I have been doing a little workout for 10-15 minutes and watching how much I eat. PORTION CONTROL! Also, due to the fact that we are trying to save money, Richard and I both agreed, no more eating out. None. Zip. Zilch. Which, if you know me, is harder than the portion control. I don't like making dinners but I have every night for a week so far. BIG DEAL PEOPLE! Sad, but true.  I can't give up sugar all the way. I have relied on it way too much these past years and it's going to take awhile to leave my system and/or break me of my bad habits. However, I'm in full 'get 'er done' mode to take down what Karter left.

My goal is to lose 50 pounds by the end of the year. Which means I have to lose about 7 pounds a month. I know it's little bit lower than normal, but I have never had to do it before. I know I can. I mean, I already stopped eating my pop-tart... :)

1 comment:

  1. I LOVE this! Your commitment is the exact same as mine for the exact same reasons! We can so do it this year.
