Monday, March 21, 2016

New Favorite Piece of Gym Equipment

So my work's gym has been completely remodeled and it's pretty gorgeous. They took some space from the IT offices and almost doubled its size and increased their collection of exercise machines. Josh and I started alternating nights, three times a week, to go to the gym after the kids go to bed, since that's the only time we're able to leave for long enough to get in a workout. After a full week of that practice, I have some fun experiences and realizations.

First, I don't hate exercising. Sure, I'm really, really, really bad at running and my posture is all wrong and I can't hold my breath for anything, but I enjoy the feeling of strength and power I get when I totally crush an hour's worth of exercise. It's awesome. Second, I love the elliptical! I tried it out for the first time last Friday and I felt like I was flying through the workout. It was both easier and harder than the treadmill--easy, because it doesn't put all that strain on my ankles, which have been killing me after even just two minutes of light jogging; and hard, because it keeps my heart rate above 150 the entire time and I get a good sweat on. I also love that I get to close my eyes and bang my head to my music because my arms are holding onto the machine so I don't lose my balance and fall off of it. Third, I tend to be much more conscious of my eating habits and calorie intake when I work out during the week. Sure, I still eat more than I should and I binge on candy like three times a week, but I'm being much more careful about how much I eat, and how many times I grab a snack during the day. I'm recording my calorie intake on LoseIt!.com and trying to develop good habits that I can maintain. And fourth, I think I have finally found a routine that I can maintain with my young children and full-time job.

Josh is exercising on alternate days from me and that has made me much more motivated to continue my work. Today I ate too much and wasn't very organized with food, but I still worked out and in fact had a great time. I love the elliptical and I totally rocked it. I bought some new workout clothes that are a little too tight, which is great motivation to keep working until they fit comfortably. If I'm embarrassed to wear such tight pants, I can feel the (literal) pressure to make them fit. Hopefully I'll see a difference in about seven weeks from now when I run my 5K. And tomorrow is a great day to make up my bad eating from today, because I participate in no-sugar Tuesdays!

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