Monday, March 14, 2016

I'll be starting over repeatedly for the rest of my life, won't I?

I'm recommitting (again) to this weight loss thing. It's a constant battle and I'm constantly losing but I refuse to be satisfied with being overweight. I want to lose all of my baby weight from James by the time I have my 5K run in May. That gives me eight weeks to lose 16 pounds, which is totally doable. I ate a smart breakfast this morning and I'm planning to work out at my work gym tonight to start building up the endurance I'll need for running.

Josh's coworker invited him to do a fun run in August. It's a night run at the fairgrounds and you have to wear a white t-shirt because you'll be sprayed with glow-in-the-dark foam and run under black lights for three miles. It's a silly idea and the babysitting logistics are a nightmare (the kids will have to spend the night with their grandparents to make this feasible) but I was surprised Josh even wanted to do a 5K with me. He's not usually keen on participating. I think the pressure of having his coworkers also do it made him more inclined to accept the offer, so now we're paid and committed to running this thing.

Of course, you can't just run a race with beautiful, thin, fit coworkers. His two female coworkers run for fun all the time, so they're in great shape and Josh and I are overweight and out of shape. We have decided to take advantage of this race by starting a running regime together. We'll go for family walks after dinner to work up our muscles, and we'll alternates nights at my work gym so one of us can run on the treadmill and the other one can babysit the kids while they're sleeping. I get Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays, and I've decided I'll use my Tuesdays, Thursdays, and Saturdays to build up my core muscles with a workout video. That way I'll be alternating strength training with cardio, which is the smart way to exercise.

Hopefully I'll be in a good place physically for my May race, and I'll be able to run like a pro by our August run. It may just be a silly fun run, but Josh and I are treating it like a serious competition. Good luck to us!

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