Thursday, April 2, 2015

Couldn't Sleep Last Night--Had to Try on Clothes Instead

Josh fell asleep around 10:30 but my mind was just really buzzing so I couldn't seem to make myself sleep. Instead, I got up and went to my closet, suddenly overwhelmed with the desire to try on some of my current clothes and see how I fit. I don't know why this was a desire but I did it. Most of the dressed currently hanging in my closet are definitely wearable even though I'm pregnant, which made me feel pretty good about myself. Then I discovered the two bags of winter/non-maternity clothes in the corner that I had bagged up to avoid overcrowding my closet and also to hide the truth. I can't fit into most of those clothes, and it's only partly because I'm pregnant. At my lowest weight I was thirty pounds lighter than I am right now. The sad fact is that I was thirty pounds lighter at five months pregnant--and I'm five months pregnant right now!

Rather than get really, really depressed about that fact, I decided that as soon as I woke up I would rededicate to eating healthy meals and exercising. I don't need to lose thirty pounds to make myself feel good. I'd like to start losing weight and just be healthy for the remainder of my pregnancy. Then I can set a realistic weight loss goal for after I have the baby, having set up a healthy foundation of exercise during the rest of my pregnancy. I enter the third trimester in a week, which gives me a good twelve weeks to get in good shape. My new goal is for every doctor's appointment I have from here on out, I will lose at least one pound.

At my last appointment, I weighed 200 pounds. Last night I weighed 206, which might not be entirely accurate but I'll say it is and work with that. My next doctor's appointment is in a week and a half. If I can really work hard, I have a good chance of getting down to 199 before I go in (since I fluctuate four to five pounds practically overnight), so that's my new goal. Any weight loss is a good thing, but focusing on specific, measurable goals with semi-regular deadlines (each doctor appointment) really helps me to remotivate.

Here's hoping my next appointment is a smashing success!

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