Friday, May 24, 2013

The Weight Loss Healthy Challenge

So I hate my body again. I ate so much yesterday and was feeling so fat that I did something I almost never do: I checked out my honest profile in the mirror before hopping in the shower. You have to do this naked and you can't suck in, which is my perpetual instinct. Instead, you turn to the side, let it all hang out, and really look at yourself. I looked like the Grinch.

Seriously, I have great, shapely legs and okay arms, but this massive gut in between them just far surpasses proportionality. I needed to recommit.

So this morning I pulled up a blog posting that my coworker had told me about. Her whole family participated in an 8-week challenge to lose weight and get healthier. Another coworker just finished. She and five family members pitched in $25 and the winner pocketed $150. That's enough to buy a couple of sweet new outfits to help you keep losing weight. I wanted to do the challenge too, and it seems easy enough. You have to try to exercise and eat certain good foods but nothing too difficult or impossible. I already do a couple of these things anyway. And you get points for doing them. The person with the most points at the end of the challenge wins. The hard part will be consistency, since you don't get any point for the week unless you do that thing every day that week. Mess up once and you lose all your week's points for that one item. But you can get lots of points by maintaining your weight each week, or by losing a pound. It's all pretty awesome and I can't wait to get started. I'm going to start today, although it doesn't officially start until a Monday, so if anyone wants to join in...

Here's the link to the blog: There's a googledoc within the blog posting that has the spreadsheet for keeping track. I transferred the googledoc to a word doc so I can keep track of what I do without having to print it out. Good luck to everyone who is trying to look and feel better this summer!

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