Wednesday, December 4, 2013

Another Medifast Attempt

I tried to pick up Medifast again several times after having Scarlet, but it was so hard to go without food. But I read an old blog post of mine that shared my weight last December when I was seven months pregnant. The day I read that post, I weighed three pounds less than that. Not cool. And then Josh got violently ill this past weekend after Thanksgiving and lost nine and a half pounds. So jealous. So I decided I would commit to Medifast for realsies this time. I'm on day three and surviving just fine. The hunger pains only lasted the first day, I'm feeling well-fed, and yesterday I bought a bunch of fresh vegetables to eat with my dinners. It's been pretty all right. I used to crave the sugar intensely but now I mostly crave breads, and those feelings aren't overwhelming or impossible.

I'm already down three and a half pounds. Sweet! My goal is to get down to my normal weight by the end of the year. That way I only have to lose ten pounds in the next year to look better than I have since I've been married. It's not impossible, but it is 13.5 pounds away and I only have three and a half weeks left to do it in. That's a pretty lofty goal, but if I stay committed I bet I can do it. My one concern is Christmas. Do I give up eating all the yummy things associated with Christmas in order to stay faithful to Medifast? Or do I cheat one day and risk losing all my steam? It's a tough choice and I'm not sure what I'll decide by the time Christmas rolls around. Currently I'm leaning toward staying strong, but yesterday I was swinging the other way as I walked through Costco and saw all the chocolate. For now I'll stick to my diet and see how long I can stay focused.

I've also got to run a 5K on the 21st in order to hit my new year's goal for this year, which will be tough since I haven't gone running all year. If the weather holds up tonight, I'll head to the gym to start running again. It's going to be painful but I really need to condition my body for my 5K. I'm going to at least be able to run the first mile before taking a break. After tonight we'll see what my new goal will be. I'm not sure I can run the whole 5K in 45 minutes, so we'll just have to see. Plus it'll be snowing and cold when I do run, so that'll be a factor. Running in the cold is murder on the lungs.

But there's nothing like losing weight during the holiday season! It gets a head start on my new year's goals for next year and I don't feel so impossibly behind with my weight. By the time Scarlet has her first birthday, I'm going to have my pre-baby body back (well, mostly).

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