Thursday, January 8, 2015

Going at it again

I can't give up on weight loss just because I'm pregnant. I had the best success with weight loss the last time I was pregnant too, so I'm taking full advantage of this time again. I weigh 186 now, which is a 13-pound weight loss from where I was last Halloween. My goal is to reach 170 eventually, which should take me halfway through March. By then I think it'd be silly to actively try to lose weight while the baby is growing inside me. Instead I'll concentrate on remaining healthy and not gaining too much until after the baby is born (sometime in July-ish). Then I have another goal of weighing 170 by the end of the year which, with exercise and nursing and watching what I eat this time as opposed to last time, should be possible. I hope to weigh less by the time I give birth this time than I did the last time I had a baby. That way I'll have less of a journey to get back down to my goal weight.

This morning I weighed in at 186 and I was 186.5 yesterday, so I'm heading in the right direction. If I can lose just one more pound by Sunday, I'll be in good shape. I have to lose two pounds a week for the next eight weeks and I'll be almost completely done with my weight loss journey for the rest of my pregnancy. By February first, I hope to weigh 179.

First step is to lose one more pound this week. Here I go again...